PT Goals After Total Knee Replacement Surgery

If you have had a total knee replacement surgery for knee osteoarthritis, then you understand how painful the post-operative period can be. Your post-op course may leave you with a tight and swollen knee, and you may be having difficulty moving around normally.
Physical therapy has been proven to improve outcome after a total knee replacement surgery. So what are the goals of PT for total knee replacement?
Everyone is different, and each patient must have a personalized evaluation after their total knee replacement. Once your PT assesses your condition, he or she can work with you to develop realistic goals for you to work toward in rehab.
Common goals for patients after total knee replacement surgery may include:
Improved knee range of motion (ROM)
Improved strength in your lower extremity, especially in your quadriceps muscles, hamstrings, and hips.
Swelling control
Pain control
Maximal functional mobility, including walking with no assistive device
You can expect to reach your PT goals about four to six weeks after surgery. Keep in mind that some folks take a bit longer, and others achieve their goals a little more quickly. Your PT can help you understand where you are in your rehab progress and can help push you to reach your goals.
At Capital Region Physical Therapy, we are experts in total joint replacement rehab. We can work with you to set realistic goals to help guide you in your road to recovery after total knee replacement. Call us at (518) 439-5006 to see how we can help.