Athlete Performance Enhancement Training Program

Capital Region Physical Therapy is excited to provide a training program developed specifically for junior high and high school student-athletes. This pre-season training program is designed to help the student-athletes work on specific “high risk” areas to help him or her have a successful sports season while minimizing the chances of injury.
Many preseason training programs are lacking in sport-specific exercise and development. Often, student-athletes are performing general exercises that do not focus on problem areas or high-risk impairments that may lead to injury. Sports medicine professionals agree that high school athletes are underprepared to participate in their respective sports. Less than 45% of all high schools have access to athletic training services during pre-season practice and games.
FACT: Over 100,000 athletes will suffer an ACL sprain this year.
FACT: Approximately 50% of all ACL tears are completely preventable with proper training.
Capital Region Physical Therapy has developed a program to help student-athletes properly prepare for their sports season to help the athlete perform better and prevent the possibility of injury while participating in high-intensity sports.
Program elements include:
A 60-minute initial musculoskeletal assessment by a physical therapist focusing on problem areas specific to the athlete.
Individual training sessions with a physical therapist. Training sessions will focus on the specific problem areas that are identified in the musculoskeletal assessment.
Training will focus on strength, mobility, flexibility, balance and proprioception, and plyometrics.
A post-program assessment report highlighting the high-risk problem areas identified in the pre-program evaluation.
Development of a home program to be utilized during the season to maintain gains that are made during the training program.
Guess what? We make it affordable, too:
60-minute initial assessment = $80.00
30 + 20 minute cross training (30 minutes one-on-one with a PT, and 20 minutes independent guided cardio) = $50.00
Getting started is easy. Call us at 518-439-5006 to set up an initial assessment, or use the button below to drop us an email to get started!